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generating leads via radio advertising.



True Direct Response Radio

Pay Per Call Television Advertising - Pay Per Lead TV Advertising

Find out if radio leads work without having to find out if radio will even generate leads for your industry.
You could spend tens of thousands of dollars on a radio advertising campaign and not even generate calls. Maybe radio advertising is not right for you, but paying for calls and leads makes that less risky.

Paying for leads make radio advertising cost affective.
Few direct marketers have been able to make radio advertising work through traditional negotiated buys. Leads are not tracked, the phone doesn’t ring. When you pay for leads, you are ensuring that you get return on investment from your radio advertising dollar.

Reach a larger audience.
With a traditional media buy, you are focused on a market, or network, or type of station. So you are limited in who you reach. When you pay for leads a financial station in Texas may pick up the offer as well as a news station CA. You may also get nationwide exposure on satellite radio, which is a great place for per inquiry ads to run.

Higher Quality leads.
Listeners must make a concerted effort to respond to a radio commercial. Radio leads are therefore of high quality, with above-average conversion rates.

Not your average online lead.
Leads generated from radio are not as impulsive as those from online media. You can also trust that they heard your message and are responding with interest in what you are selling. If you are paying for leads online, there is no guarantee that the lead is even interested in your company. They may have been incentivized to fill out your form, or filled out several other forms, AKA your competition.

Free branding.
Your advertising message will contain information about products and services you offer. This message will repeat and that listener can search for your company long after they have heard your radio message.

Check out some of our radio ads for term life insurance leads, debt consolidation and more HERE

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We can also help if you are looking for remnant radio advertising or satellite radio advertising at highly discounted prices.