Pay Per Call Insurance Leads - Insurance Live Transfers
Insurance lead generation has definitely shifted a lot in the last 10 or 15 years. Back in the day everyone was advertising their own services. Then everyone shifted to buying buying exclusive leads or shared leads from a lead generator or lead website. Now the lead type that agents want most, is live transfers or call transfers.
There are a couple ways to do it. The simple way is just to accept calls from an insurance site, or targeted online advertising, or specifically from mobile advertising. Due to the increase in mobile searches and mobile use in general, there are a ton more calls occuring online. So rather than someone filling out an awkward form on handheld device, they are now clicking to call. And that results in more call type leads. This would be an example of a simple insurance live transfer or call transfer.
There are also much more sophisticated models that I will only touch on. In this live transfer model, a local agent, might be able to log into a system and order up only calls from certain zip codes. In this scenario, insurance agent's will partner with a lead generation company or pool of call providers that are generating calls (LEad or call aggragators as they are called in the industry). Agents will provide their desired filters (zip code, etc), and the phone starts ringing. Obviously, the larger your filter set, the more calls you receive, similar to buying web generated insurance leads.
In live transfer or call transfer marketing, you are generally only paying for connected calls that last a certain amount of time. So if a call lasts 30 seconds, you might pay a call fee. You might be able to pay for longer, qualified live transfers with the right company. But those live transfer leads will cost more.
One of the biggest complaints about advertising was that it didnt turn into leads. So people started selling leads. Then the leads didnt turn into qualified calls or conversations. Live transfer leads was the logical next step. This is a guaranteed way of buying the leads that only turn into conversations. You still may talk to people who arent really interested, or someone that isnt quite sure why they called in. But more often then not, talking to someone is the best opportunity to close.
You can expect to pay a higher price for these leads. If you were buying leads for $20, and you talked to 1 in 4, than you were paying $80 to speak with someone. So a call transfer at $40 or $50 might sound expensive, but its actually cheaper than what you actually paid to talk to someone before. Note the prices I mention above are not actual rates. You would need to talk to an insurance lead consultant to see what the cost is for your insurance lead type and area.
Some of the companies doing live transfer leads can be found on our insurance lead reviews page.
For every new customer, we offer free Insurance leads so you can test the contact-ability, and quality of the leads we generate.